ホテル ⇒ 成田空港行き
Hotel to Narita Airport
ホテル1階玄関前 発
Hotel entrance (1st floor)
To use a departing from hotel, Please make a reservation at the front desk.
成田空港 ⇒ ホテル行き
Narita Airport to Hotel
第一ターミナル バス停16番 発
Terminal 1 Bus stop 16
第二ターミナル バス停33番 発
Terminal 2 Bus stop 33
7:30 7:40
9:00 9:10
18:10 18:20
19:40 19:50
If you use airport departure, Buses are on a first come, first served basis.
Bus seats are subject to availability. You may not be able to get on when it is full.

It takes about 30 minutes by bus to Narita Airport. (Bus goes to terminal 2 and terminal 1.)

We use the bus stop in common with other hotels, the bus stop will be not in its proper position depending on circumstances.

There is time when the arrival time is delayed substantially by the weather and a traffic jam.